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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Jason The Mr Complainer

Okay guys let me recommend one interesting blog, and to help promote the blog. =D

Jason, the Mr Complainer on The Complaint Corner. Well I wrote to him requesting him to write something about his interesting life as a Malaysian Chinese, the Malaysian Constitution and the PERKASA.

Apparently the blogger is aware of the Internal Security Act 1960 which allows for detention without trial. With his reply 'being removed by the ISA', I know that the blogger doesn't want to be sent to the Kamunting Detention Centre lol.

In his reply, he shared something interesting which sounds interesting to me.. here's how it goes.

I would though,describe the lives of Chinese and Bumis equal that to Hakens and Anders in the book Soul of The Fire,by Terry Goodkind.
The Anders were a primitive race that scavenged their way through life by picking fruits and hunting wild animals.Then one day the Hakens,with their more advanced technologyinvaded the Anders' land.With the Hakens they brought knowledge,technology,and most importantly,peace.With each passing decade the Anders assimilated more of the Haken's technology,and the Hakens saw them as their equals.Then one day,after the Anders seized control of the government,they killed every educated Haken-and enslaved the remaining ones.The future Haken generations were taught that they were murderers,rapists,beings with corrupted souls.They weren't allowed equal rights to the Anders.They were rejected the chance of an education.Their very history books consisted of cleverly manipulated truths,and the Hakens truly believed they deserved no more than being the slaves of the Anders.

Again these are just his personal opinions which do not have anything to do with me. I am afraid of the scary ISA too.

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